Winnipeg Technical College

Winnipeg Technical College
Winnipeg Technical College strives to develop good citizens through its programs, based on the philosophy that "success consists of excellence in achievement built on a foundation of excellence in character." Incentives include an annual awards program and "student of the month" honors in every program.This formula has proven to be a recipe for success for the College itself. Since classes first commenced in September, 1985, the number and variety of program offerings has grown to accommodate the needs of more than 1,150 full time student equivalents attending classes in 1999.
As the marketplace changes, so too does Winnipeg Technical College. Students will soon benefit from distance education initiatives and expanded business-education partnerships developed to be responsive to the needs of both students and prospective employers.
Manitoba Universities
- Assiniboine Community College - Brandon , Manitoba
- Brandon University - Brandon , Manitoba
- Canadian Mennonite University - Winnipeg , Manitoba
- College universitaire de Saint-Boniface - Winnipeg , Manitoba
- Providence College and Theological Seminary - Otterburne , Manitoba
- Red River College of Applied Arts, Science and Technology - Winnipeg , Manitoba
- The University College of the North - The Pas , Manitoba
- The University of Manitoba - Winnipeg , Manitoba
- The University of Winnipeg - Winnipeg , Manitoba
- Yellowquill College - Winnipeg , Manitoba